Thursday, 19 June 2014

Hello beastie

Today - after having failed to do so for seven months - I went to the cinema to watch Maleficent. It's inspired by Sleeping Beauty:

I used the occasion to finally redeem a voucher I got 1.5 years ago. And since that voucher was worth 15 euros watched the movie at IMAX. My first time at IMAX. And what can I say? If you like movies and  their accompanying music and 3d then you should give it a try if you haven't done so already. It might be worth the money! The IMAX's screen is about 15(!) meters high; I sat in the middle of the cinema hall and thus had an excellent view on the screen.

I don't really know what to say about the movie. I thought it to be great. I don't think anything needs to be said about Angelina Jolie, she's a great actress. But I also really liked Sam Riley.

The music is brilliant, I'm listening to it right now.

Well, going out almost always forces you to meet people. I met some today, too.

Strange ones. Shortly after I arrived at my seat a group of young people entered the cinema hall. A guy with three Asian girls. At first they talked in English. Once they'd found their seats, they went on to speak in French. Then the guy went to buy popcorn and the girls talked among themselves. In Japanese! When the guy came back with another one in tow they switched back to English, then French, What a strange group! Though I wish I was able to speak that many languages fluently like them.

Cliché ones. While waiting to be allowed to enter the cinema hall I waited in the main hall. When two women sat done beside me I almost started laughing aloud. Those two weren't about the average diameter of a human being but a "little" more plump. It doesn't come as a big surprise that one of them had a big pizza dripping with fat on her lap, does it?
Another similar encounter on my way home: I was taking the train and in the two rows in front of me were two women who seemed to be friends. Why didn't they sit next to each other? Well, because they wouldn't have fit together in one row :x And they were talking to each other in such a manner that at least the next ten rows where able to follow their talk easily. I think such people are profoundly annoying. As if they couldn't talk a little less loud..

I know that might sound a little superficial but I really couldn't care less.

On another note, I will finally visit the United Kingdom later this year. Starting with a few days in London, after which I will relax some days in Scotland visiting a friend. I've booked four flights yesterday and today. And each and every airline has it's own unusable website. Seriously, Ryanair cost me some of my brain cells. I had to start over twice...

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